Snake days are here again!!

Published by Christy under on 9:59 PM
Hurray!!! It's that time of year once again- time for snakes to begin making an appearance! I know a lot of folks don't even like to hear the word snake, much less get excited about seeing them, but I'm quite enthused. (Much to my friends and family's chagrin.)

At any rate, this little beauty was having a rest at the bottom of our drive today. It's a little eastern king snake I believe, if you look closely you can see the faint yellow rings around it's body, although the belly markings suggest a rat snake. Either way I think it's probably a 2007 hatchling, about 3 feet long and maybe an inch in diameter.

I'm really excited about this fellow. This is one of the nicest, most docile snakes I've ever handled. The last kingsnake I examined was a hatchling and much more aggressive than this snake. I guess it doesn't take much to make me happy.

See how the snake is sort of balled up? That's a defensive/protective measure. "I'll ball myself up and hopefully you won't hurt me too bad or you'll just loose interest and go away." (See...snakes aren't on a mission to GET YOU.)

INTERESTING FACTIOD: Eastern Kingsnakes will eat other snakes! They are immune to the venom of pit vipers: copperheads, rattlesnakes, and cotton mouths.


jalynn01 said... @ June 2, 2008 at 2:46 PM

I don't hate snakes but you won't find me picking one up!! Wow! what a brave soul you are.

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